Our commitment to CHP – FAHRENHEIT joins the B.KWK
We are excited to announce that we are joining the Bundesverband Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung e.V (B.KWK), in English: The Federal Association for Combined Heat and Power Generation.
The B.KWK works to protect the environment and conserve resources through the development of combined heat and power (CHP) generation in Germany. As a member of the B.KWK, FAHRENHEIT will be able to exchange information and best practices with other industry leaders. A large number of our installations are already done in combination with CHP, this collaboration will lead to continued success.
CHP, also known as cogeneration, is an energy efficient technology that generates electricity and heat at the same time. The generated heat is then used within the industrial process (e.g. for space heating or for air conditioning, using adsorption refrigeration systems) and does not go to waste. CHP significantly reduces electricity costs, relieves the load on the grid, and supports distributed energy supply systems.
For Example: In 2018, FAHRENHEIT worked with Sparkasse Passau to set up a CHP plant with their sustainable cooling systems. The compact CHP is powered by environmentally friendly gas and provides 50kW of electrical power and 85kW of thermal power. In using FAHRENHEIT’S adsorption cooling system with the CHP, Sparkasse Passau has reduced their electricity consumption by almost 60% while also making a positive contribution to the city’s climate.
Learn more about FAHRENHEIT’S project with Sparkasse Passau.